Friday, July 6, 2012

Breaking Up With Mr. Lists

I know you guys were expecting another post a few days ago, but the video I made for you guys needed a little more editing. We'll ignore that for now.... (Please) lol

I want to talk about lists!! Untill 2 weeks ago I depended on lists. Grocery lists, to do lists, wish lists...the lists could go on!  They can be very helpful., because although he brain is powerful, memory is not the best thing to rely in. We're humans, we make mistakes, and many a time that mistake is followed by the statement... "Ooops! I totally forgot" <----- That statement is why myself and others start scribbling down lists!

1)Take out the trash on Wednesday
2) Call Tana back
3)Pay Money for class on Saturday

About two weeks ago I decided to take a break from lists. I went through all my old notebooks and I kept finding all these lists that had half the "to-do's" crossed out and the other half just sitting there, and unfinished. That is when I noticed the flaws in lists, as important as they are to staying organized, they can also be disheartening. If you are trying to start something new, and you need to do 21 different things you may find yourself barely accomplishing 1. Since my break up with lists I have transformed into a doer. I focus on what needs to be done now, and when I finish one thing I am on to the next. Sometimes we see the whole picture and we get so overwhelmed by what the final project is suppose to be. 

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." 

^^^^ We can't forget that! I am pretty sure that me and lists will start dating again soon, but when we do our relationship will be different! I'm going to let Mr. Lists know that sometimes he gets a little overbearing and that he is going to have to be my side boo, because Mr. Execute stole my heart!

Just some food for thought, because I love to eat!

Lexsi Lewis... Muah!!! xxx