Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Right Voices, The Right Choices

I moved to LA to entertain. That's where the problems started. Lol I know I wanted to focus on acting (to start) but I didn't do research. I didn't make plans. I made up my mind to move, found somewhere to stay a few weeks before I got here, and than shipped my car. My plan was not a plan, so I was open to too many suggestions. And since being here I have done comedy, rapped, fitness modeling, catalogue, runway, drama,blogged, started a group, charity, pageantry and the list goes on. Looking back now I am not mad at all, but it does make me laugh. I want my career credits to be longer than that list BUT that will never happen if I do not focus. And since I did not do my research, everyone else's suggestion on what I should do with my life made sense. It took me getting hurt to realize what I needed to do.

The first step was muting the voices that didn't matter. There are over 7 billion people in the world, everyone one of them has an opinion, and if you could speak their language they'd let you hear it. But, none of their opinions or suggestions will affect their lives, and they do not know every single thing that is going on in your life. YOU have to choose.

Ultimately, you have to make the final decision, but you should also find another voice you can listen to. Jamie Foxx's career is very similar to the career I plan on having for myself. I have been blessed to have him in my corner since the 2nd week of me being in LA, and he has been telling me since than to do fitness modeling. For some reason I ignored him. I've played sports since I could walk, he knows my goals, I'm in great shape, and for some reason beyond me, I decided to listen to 8 other ideas instead of one from an amazing person whom I admire. Looking back I can't believe how dumb I was, but I have went through things and learned lessons that I will have for life now.

Watch who's advice you are taking. Do not take relationship advice from a single person. Do not take career advice from a lazy person. Do not take money advice from a broke person. And do not take life advice from a hater. Make sure that who ever is giving you advice has a good position on whatever they are advising you on. It sounds like such a "dduuuhhhh" statement, but I know for a fact many of us allow our friends to give us advice. They are closest to us, but in reality they have no business even giving us a suggestion.

That's just some food for thought, because I love to eat!

Lexsi Lewis ... Muah!!! xxx

Friday, September 14, 2012

Working in Limbo

My whole life I was preparing myself for the decision I made in January 2010. I decided, that of the many choices I had, acting would be the first career that I would be committed. The initial move was exciting. I left college, moved to LA, and I was emerged right in the industry from day 1. Flash forward to September 2012...

I have not been in a movie. I do not have a show named after me, and I am not shopping on Rodeo every day. Although this is true, I could not be more happy. When I look back on the little 20 year old girl that came here I smile. I had many unrealistic expectations of what Hollywood would be, and thank god I did. I thought it would be easy. Thank god it is not easy, because I never did good with easy. My senior year of school my statistics teacher pulled me to the side and told me something about myself that I will never forget. " B (the name I went by), I have started to notice a trend in all your tests. If there is a question that every person in the class gets right, then 6 times out of 10 you will get it wrong. (I told you it was my statistics class.) If there is a question that every single person in the class gets wrong, than I do not even need to check your answer, because you get the "hardest" question right every time." This just proved to me what I already knew... I love and live for challenges. And since acting is probably the most competitive field there is, I found where I belong. The hardest task is that the entertainment industry forces you to learn patience and how to ignore unnecessary distractions.

There is no blue print on how to make it in Hollywood. It is a mixture of who you know, who knows you, how talented you are, how hard you work, timing and just plain luck. If you ask any coach who has ever got to work with me, they will tell you I am one of the most hard working athletes they have ever seen. If you ask people that know me in LA, many might say she talks too much or I have not seen her do much. The crazy thing is they would both be right. It is hard to be a hard worker, when you have nothing to work on, and even when you finally get on a project it takes forever to come out. 

The whole time while you struggle to find work, or while the waiting is happening, your friends and family will try and make you feel bad. They all think that you are not doing anything. When you say I am busy, because you are writing or reading, they will get mad. They will say you do not care about them. In reality, they are saying they do not respect what you are doing. If you were going to school to be a doctor and told them, "No I have to study, we have pop quizzes often and they take up 35% of our grade" there would be no bickering. SoYES, doctor's have it easier when it comes to gaining access to their field. There is a nice paved road that leads you right to your destination, but we artists do not have that luxury. We artists, do not have deadlines, we do not have guide lines, we do not (initially) have one person besides our self telling us to sit down, write your ideas, and practice. All we have is this urge to get our creativity out. We have an urge to get the images and ideas that are in our heads out into the physical world. 

Every now and then events will align and you will feel yourself starting to elevate, you will feel this over whelming feeling of happiness and in that moment, you know that you are doing exactly what you are suppose to be doing. Hold onto those moments and keep working. Do not let the haters, failures, and set backs keep you down or send you back to unhappiness. Accept all those events as part of the journey. Every great person that you look up to and admire have went through some sssshhhhhhiiiiitttttt. While you are going through "your sssshhhhhhiiiiitttttt" family members and friends will be on the side lines nagging. (While they are claiming to be your biggest supporters)....Every time something bad happens just smile and know that setback is setting you up for an even greater blessing. Every time someone complains you are neglecting your relationship, realize you are building a better relationship with your craft. Every time you create something that is"not quite right", realize you are one project closer to fulfilling your dreams. It will not be easy, but it will be worth it!

Just some food for thought, because I love to eat.

Lexsi Lewis ... Muah!!! xxx

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Favorite Movie!!!!

 What you lookin' at? You all a bunch of fuckin' assholes. You 

know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna

 be? You need people like me. You need people like me so 

you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, "That's the bad 

guy." So... what that make you? Good? You're not good. You

 just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don't have that 

problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say 

good night to the bad guy! Come on. The last time you gonna

 see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Come on. Make 

way for the bad guy. There's a bad guy comin' through! Better get outta his way"  

Solo Dolo

I just walked out of the movies. I went alone to go see Lawless. (Great film. Must see) It was a very liberating experience.

 Some people think I am weird, but I like to do most things by myself. Get my nails done, go shopping, and yes... go to the movies. Maybe it is just me ( I don’t think it is) ,but when I go places by myself the world slows down. I start to notice my surroundings more. (partly because I am looking around making sure no one is about to pull out a gun and rob me.) But I also am more aware of myself. When I am away from friends I start to notice that I am just like everyone else. We are all just on small portion of this world. Sometimes, we forget that and focus on how large we are in our own individual worlds.

CONFESSION: I was sitting in the theatre and cried 3 times. Not when someone died, not when someone was being all lovey dovey, but when  nothing really big or emotional was happening. I cried because I was doing exactly what I wanted to do, exactly when I wanted to do it. I went and grabbed a sandwich at the exact place I wanted to go to. I had spent the day doing everything on my terms. Days like this can not always happen, but they should happen more often then not.

Have these moments more. Take time to be alone. Just you and your thoughts. It is in those “lonely” moments you remember how amazing you are. When no one is around laughing at you, pointing, or hating. When you can be your true self. When you are fearless. Find a pass time that you can do all by your self. During this "self enjoyment time" the question that has been haunting you (the one you knew you had but could not figure out how to ask) will be answered.

The more time you spend alone, the more you will begin to learn your strengths. You will become more familiar with your talents, so you do not have to hate on others for knowing their's. 

Me           Myself        and I

Make sure to spend some time alone, so you can than in return share what you have discovered with the world.

Just some food for thought, because I love to eat.

Lexsi Lewis ... Muah !!! xxx