Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ummm Do you have a problem with me? TELL ME!!!

I don't know if its Text messaging, Facebook, or Twitter, but why is everyone so scared to talk! Correction why is everyone so scared to talk to the one that they have a problem with. I have heard to many men and woman complain and complain and complain about someone that is not there. Every single time someone comes to me complaining I ask "Did you tell them?", and almost every time there answer is no. (Well actually its usually a jumble of words that make half sense, that can be summed up as NO.)

There's no point! Complaining to me about something does not do anything to help the situation. In fact, it just usually makes you more mad when you have to rethink about the things that that are annoying you. Have a problem? Fix it! It is that simple. 

If it annoys you that someone always uses your stuff without asking, than tell them. 9 times out of 10 they'll begin to ask, and if they don't .... Delete!

It's that simple. I think the biggest reason people get scared to tell people they have a problem with them, is because they do not know how to let people go. Not everyone belongs in your life. And most of the time if you have to gossip and complain about someone than they don't.

Learn to bring you issues to light. Get it over with. The faster you tell the truth and confront an issue the faster you can find happiness.

Just some food for thought, because I love to eat.

Lexsi Lewis ... Muah !!! xxx

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