Wednesday, October 5, 2011

You Do It Your Way & I'll Do It Mine...

This is my first post, so I just want to make a few things clear before I share with you the things I have learned in my life so far.

1.) No! I do not think I know everything, and I realize that everyday is filled with more challenges and lessons.

2) Yes, I am only 22! Do not let my limit in years mistake you for limititations in my mind. I have lived a complex life, and I am greatful that I am the type of person who learns fast and knows when the old ways are not working and it is time to grow.

3) I only have time for positivity!!! I can take criticism if it is meant to help me. I am open to suggestion on how I can improve what I am doing,  BUT criticism for criticism's sake will be ignored, and if it is too rude it will be blocked!!

Now that we have the boring stuff out of the way! Hi, I am Lexsi. I was talking to my dad on the phone today, and we were having a discussion about the different ways that people think.. We stumbled upon one of the biggest lesson I have learned in my life thus far: You do things your way and I do things mine.  The sooner you learn this fact and the sooner you accept this fact, the happier you will be.

 Awhile back my room mate and I got into a disagreement. She felt that something I did was selfish, and she said "If I would have got that, than I would have shared with you" And I know she would have, because that is the type of person she is, BUT the keywords in her argument were the "I's".  An argument would have been spared had we realized that we just do not all think the same way. She expected me to do something a certain way, because that is the way she would have done it. When I did it my way it made her feel dissapointment/anger/frustration, but all there should have been was acceptance. Acceptance to the fact that we do not do things the same way.

I have lived in 6 different states in the last 5 years, so I have met many types of people from many different backgrounds, and I am finally learning to accept that we all have our own habits, rituals, thinking processes, and values. When people do things that you do not agree with you should learn to be more understanding and not let them get to you.
  •  Do not take someones actions personal, because this is how they treat every single person.
  • Do not make yourself a victim when in actuallity you are being treated the same as everyone else.
  • Do not get mad at someone who always tells you No. They ALWAYS tell you know, so you should be mad at yourself to think the next time will be any different.
Humans are creatures of habit. So if your spouse always leaves the toilet seat up, do not get mad when you go to bathroom and the toilet seats up. Having the toilet seat up is not an issue for him it is an issue for you. Just learn to put the toilet seat down on your own.

There are some incidents when the things people do and how they do them clash with your life, so much so that it is just best they not be a part of it anymore. This gets difficult to accept, because many times these very people may be family members or other close loved ones. Saying you need space does not mean that you do not still love them. It just means you love yourself more and you can not allow certain things in your life that are causing pain or misery.

You have to let people be who they are, becuase trying to change them will not work. You will just gain frustration every time they dissapoint you by being themselves. If you do not like how someone does something let them know, and maybe it can be changed. Communication is key. But never be to scared to communicate that it is time to take that "key" to open a door else where!

Just some food for thought, because I love to eat! :)

Lexsi Lewis... Muah !!! xxx

1 comment:

  1. I need your feedback so I can be better for you!! *Lexsi ...Muahxxx
