Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Choice, Chance, Change

Do you feel like you're stuck in Limbo? You know you want more out of life, but you do not have a clue what that "more" is? I know that feeling. Or maybe you do see the big picture and you know exactly where you want to be, but you have no idea on how to get there. Do not let that be your excuse as to why you never pursue your dreams! Become an innovator!

Most of the very successful people in our world never knew how they were going to do what they wanted to do. They just had this idea, (a vision) in their head as to where they would be. If you want your dreams,  want better for yourself, and happiness you must follow the 3 C's of life. Choice, Chance, Change!

Choice: If people are harassing you, you hate your job, you want to move, you want a new car; you have to make a choice. Do I stay at this job  because it is easy and familiar? Do I keep letting people speak to me however they want to? Do I stay in a place that I will never be able to call home? The first step to finding happiness and filling that void in your life (even if you do not know what that void is) is to make a choice TO BE happy. 

Chance: Stop at a gas station that you usually would not go to. Go to an audition that you may not usually think you would get the part for. Ask someone for help that you may never have thought would help you. Go do an activity that you've never tried before. TAKE A CHANCE! You are crazy to think you can keep doing the same thing and your life is going to start changing. Take a chance then you'll see the ...

Change: That new activity you started may be the new the outlet you needed to stay happy. Deciding to look for that new job  may result in your income jumping into a new tax bracket.  Deciding to see the glass as half full instead of half empty may be just the thing that turns all the walls that were blocking you into stair cases that are a breeze to walk over. 

If you make the choice, to take a chance, than things WILL change!

Just some food for thought, because I love to eat!

Lexsi Lewis ... Muah !!! xxx 

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