Monday, December 5, 2011

When 99 Things Are Bad Focus on the 1 Good!

Do not allow negativity to consume you!

Every single person in this world loves the way laughter feels. Being happy is a feeling that everyone searches for. Then why do we focus on the negative?

No matter how bad things get, there is ALWAYS something to be happy for. When multiple things go wrong it is human tendency to focus on those problems so much that we forget that there are actually good things in our lives too. How many times have you had an amazing day, where everything seems to have gone right, and than one bad thing comes along and you let that ruin your whole day? I am sure you do not know the number because you have allowed it to happen too many times. Stop giving negative things so much weight in your life. If 37 things go right, why focus on the one thing that went wrong? And even if 37 things go wrong, what good does it do you to focus solely on those 37 wrongs? NONE!

Put your attention on the things that give you happiness and you will have more happiness in your life. Worrying and focusing on the bad things does nothing. If someone spreads a rumor, and then you go around telling 10 people about how you are so mad about the rumor, then you are making yourself feel that pain 10 more times. What's the point? Accept that bad happens and look towards making it good again. Worrying and complaining gets you nothing but grief and frustration!

And in a world full of so many amazing things, receiving only grief and frustration does not make any sense!

Just some food for thought, because I love to eat!

Lexsi Lewis ... Muah !!! xxx

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