Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tricks to Stay Happy

Most of my blogs talk about choosing to be happy. But if 5 bad things happen in a row, just saying I am happy probably wont really make you happy. Here are a few tricks I use to help me when things get bad.

1) Say "I'm still alive!" If I am alive than I am still suppose to be here. I am still suppose to accomplish something. I am still suppose to help.

2) Be thankful for what you do have. It may be something that you usually take for granted like a healthy body, a roof over your head, or having your mom to talk too. However, many people do not have the simple things so learn to truly appreciate them.

3) If you do not get something you really wanted realize it was not meant to be. It may be hard to accept this, but what you were asking for may be the exact thing that would end up blocking you from receiving your greatest blessing.

4)Patience!!! Learn it! Live it!!! Ya we all want a million dollars right now, but maybe you are not receiving it right now, because you are not responsible enough to handle that amount of money.

5) If you are unhappy where you are now, just look to your future. Your future is what you make it. It is everything that you think it will be. Look to it and create a future full of happiness and get excited that even though it is not here yet, it will be your life very soon.

6) The number one thing that keeps me happy is my ability to not see things as "bad". Two years ago I decided that I would never have a bad day again. I call them days of learning. Everything that happens to us that we do not want has a lesson to teach us. Do not focus on it being bad, search for the lesson. You'll be amazed how fast you can get over something when you no longer see it as something that is hurting your life, but see it as something that is helping you grow. Learn to see "bad things" as blessings, as a teacher. When you can embrace a misfortune as such, you will add many hours of happiness to your life.

Hope this helps! BE HAPPY!!

Just some food for thought, because I love to eat!

Lexsi Lewis ... Muah !!! xxx

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